Tuesday 5 October 2010

Life Drawing: Week 3

A few more drawings form our second life drawing session. 

Figure 1
Figure 1 was a 1 minute drawing using charcoal, that we started with. This time the entire group moved in a clockwise direction around the room inputing and taking away parts to everyone's drawings. this was something different to the norm but i quite enjoyed it until I saw what had happened to my work. Once we had done a full rotation we had to personalise the drawing by adding to it in our own style. Overall I was pretty pleased with the outcome (thanks to the people who made their additions).

Figure 2
Figure 2 is a drawing of the arrangement we were given. Just to make things more interesting we had to draw this piece without looking at the paper; tricky it was! The temptation to look was strong but I managed to resist for the duration of the piece. A lot of fun, I would love to try this out more often just to practice my kinetic-visual drawing skills.

Figure 3
Figure 3 is the final sketch of the session. Due to the model being absent several volunteers were used for these pieces. There was a much calmer and relaxed attitude to the work we had been doing which was a nice way to end the session. 

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